I said in the article below that I am sure that the absolutely unique "loophole" by which I entered the University of South Carolina has since been closed.

That "loophole" was even unique in 1957. As I said, there was an article in TIME magazine about it. The loophole I refer to was the fact that, even if you had never been to school in your life, if you could prove that you knew more than three-quarters of the high school graduates taking the college entrance exam in the United States, you were automatically qualified to enter the University of South Carolina.

As TIME magazine made it clear, our USC was the only university in America that had that "loophole."

If you knew what you needed to know, only our USC in the all the land would let you go to college. Since then the University of South Carolina has integrated and gotten rid of all such provincial ideas.

Henry Clay is generally admitted to have been a terrific lawyer. Whatever you may say about Huey Long, his legal ability is not in question.

Henry Clay became a lawyer by passing the bar exam, and nothing else.

Huey Long studied for five months on his own and passed the legal exam.

My father, who became an engineer, studied and passed the legal exam just for fun.

Many law school graduates have to take that exam more than once. Some never pass it.

One lawyer I know moved from, I think it was, Oklahoma to Colorado. He got a good job in Colorado on the basis of twenty years of great success in the legal profession. But he ran into a problem that, while it may amuse you, did not amuse HIM.

In Oklahoma he had been allowed to go to law school with only two years of pre-law study in college.

In Wyoming you had to have three, and today you have to have full degree. In order to practice law in Colorado, he had to agree to go back to college for another year, and that was a special exception.

So now let us examine the word "education."

Nothing is made clearer than actual education has nothing to do with this process. The way I got into our USC is now banned as a "loophole" because I had an education but no degree.

My lawyer friend was a highly successful lawyer. He had long since demonstrated a complete legal education.

Henry Clay and Huey Long and even my father knew their law, but that was no excuse to let them practice law.

In 1986, in The Crown Versus Joseph Pearson, a British court sentenced Pearson to a year in prison because he had violated the Hate Law. The court freely admitted that every word Pearson had said was true. But, they said, "The truth is no excuse."

In Austria today, David Irving is facing a twenty-year sentence for saying that too few Jews died in the Holocaust.

He cannot defend himself by proving that his thesis is true.

The truth is no excuse.

So I went to college by proving that I was an educated man. People who can prove a terrific legal education are not legally educated.

The truth is no excuse.


When I was on the Hill Massachusetts had a black senator.

He was a black REPUBLICAN.

He had pale blue eyes and a pale complexion.

When I went to the Hill at Union Station subway, I would walk in the Senate side and go across to the House on the trolley.

At that time, security had been tightened by our standards but couldn't compare with today's. A civilian without a Hill ID had to have his appointment checked on. Those of us with IDs had to show them and were subject to a briefcase search.

About six one morning only me and Brookes came in at the same time. Capitol Hill Police must recognize all congressman by face, so he just walked in with a greeting to the cop.

The cop, trying to be nice , said, "If you're with him, we don't need to check your briefcase."

It was six a.m. and I had been working most of the night, but I wasn't rude. I just said "NO" with an emphasis that took the guards a bit aback and put my briefcase on his guard desk pretty hard.

Good God, NO. I was NOT with a Massachusetts mulatto, but most of all, I was NOT with a LIBERAL Republican.

The policeman grinned.

There is a feeling far worse than being accused of racism. That is when someone smiles and says you have NO racist feelings.

Another reason that old respectable denial is so bad is because it is humiliating.

The person is saying that you could not be called by ANY of his definitions a racist.

It is hard for me to think of a more vicious insult than that, even being accused of working for a New England liberal Republican, and that is very, very far out there.

The charge of racist should be met with the exact words no respectable conservative ever dares to ask: "What is a racist?"


Now to the awful truth: what Netanyahu is proposing is a permanent state of segregation between Jews and Arabs.

Us old segregationists used to wear a white button with five letters on it written in blue: NEVER. Everything we said would happen with integration is exactly what happened with integration. I leave it to all the other self-styled Southern Spokemen to beg forgiveness for having opposed integration and saying it wasn't a wonderful idea.

It was NEVER a good idea, so there is no reason for me to join the Southern Crawl (THE SOUTHERN CRAWL DOESN'T WORK--September 23, 2000).

So when the Likkud Party said "Never!," it touched a chord.

On the other hand, I have made it very, very clear that I have strong and lifelong Arab sympathies (September 13, 2001 - MY ARAB SYMPATHIES).

I can understand militant Arabs and I can understand militant Israelis. It is the Generally Accepted Position (GAP) which all the respectable people accept that is utterly ridiculous.


Neoconservatives are the War Hawks who control the Bush White House. They have their own agenda. Americans mean nothing to them. They view the white race as something that can best be done away with by open borders.

Respectable conservatives worship neoconservatives. Now all of a sudden neoconservatives are getting out of hand and regular conservatives are getting nervous.

People like me warned against neoconservatives from the beginning. But respectable conservatives say they were always right to worship the neos. They say we were wrong to warn against the neos.

Respectable conservatives are slowly beginning to realize they have been displaced. Soon they will start experiencing the political disaster the neos have caused. But respectable conservatives will never admit they were wrong and we were right.

So respectable conservatives will say that neoconservatives were wonderful until on or about January 1, 2000. Respectable conservatives will say that on or about January 1, 2000, neoconservatism went suddenly and inexplicably wrong.

After all, respectable conservatives hate whites, too: See September 20 World View,

If Hitler Hated Jews, Then All Of Our National Spokesmen Hate Whites

I keep warning you about following these respectable conservative spokesmen. Some day you will tell me that those national conservative spokesmen were just fine until on or about January 1, 2020. Then they went inexplicably wrong.

Sometimes paranoids have real enemies. Sometimes us alarmists are just plain right.

Just once it would be nice if someone listened to us BEFORE the next disaster.