HITLER AND SADDAM | 2003-05-31

An African economist I knew was often faced with proposals to build little inefficient railroads. Some of those railroads got built despite his opposition. Those who had wanted the railroads built would then ask my friend whether he thought those railroads should now be destroyed.

No, he said, with all the money already sunk into them, it would be better to keep them than to tear them up. People would then say that he was wrong to oppose building those railroads in the first place.

Any logical person can see why this conclusion was wrong.

Once something is built, you are no longer dealing with the question of whether or not to build it.

Today those who supported the war in Iraq are saying, "Would you like to have Saddam back?"

The question of whether or not one wants Saddam back is not the same as the question of whether we should have gone to war in Iraq. The fact that Saddam was a horrible man was not the reason we went to war.

There is a lot to be learned from decent people who opposed the Iraq War. There is a lot to learn from decent people who opposed America's entry into World War II. This does not mean that we want Hitler back.

But just because you don't want Hitler back doesn't mean that there was not nothing wrong with the way we got into World War II.


Jamaica just celebrated the fortieth anniversary of its independence from the United Kingdom. Compared to African countries, Jamaica has done a great job since it ceased to be British colony.

So the biggest newspaper in Jamaica took a poll. It asked Jamaicans what they thought of independence. The result caused an uproar.

Only FIFTEEN PERCENT of Jamaicans thought independence was a good idea. FIFTY-THREE percent said Jamaica should have remained a colony of the UK!

There will be no more polls like that in Jamaica.

Nobody cares what blacks think, in Jamaica or anywhere else.

Liberals are perfectly right when they say there is an immovable racism at the basis of Western thought. But no liberal professor will let anybody discuss what that racism REALLY is.

Liberal professors are always telling students how evil everybody is EXCEPT THE "INTELLECTUALS," which is what professors call themselves. All that leftist doctrine we pay them to teach boils down to "professors should rule the world."

So let's get real. There IS racism at the base of Western thought. But that racism includes everybody, even the Holy Liberal Professors. Real Western racism is so deep that no liberal would recognize it. No liberal professor can realize that his attitude to the Jamaica poll is as racist as that of any Klansman.

So when only 15% of Jamaicans say they like independence and 53% say they don't, the response from the political left is the same as it would be from any other slaveholder

"Those niggers don't know what's good for them."


Pain wrote:

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Banyan responded:

So here it is. The races are locked in opposition to each other, and if I do not believe it is so, then I am against the white race - I'm a race traitor! We are therefore all hyphenated humans - not one species but umpteen different races.

Here is why this is obscene and dehumanizing. We can't be human because being white or black or Asian or whatever takes precedence and alienates us from all other races.

Instead of being able to appreciate or at least understand each other, we must put all our effort into creating and emphasizing difference.

The only possible states we can live in therefore are constant conflict ending in "them" killing all of "us" or vice versa, or some sort of ghettoized isolation.

That's all crap. We can decide to make a big deal out of race and culture, and we can voluntarily make the value judgments that 'they' are inferior. Or we can all decide to be human and get over our own bullshit.

Pain responded:

Spoken like a true robot! Your religion demands that you hate your fellow man and so you do. Your religion cannot allow men to unite in families and by nature for then the people would have the power to throw off your religion's shackles.

So instead you are left alone for you will stand with no one and no one will stand with you.

Accordingly, you have been dehumanized by a religion that hates you.

Look within yourself and find your true nature. Look within yourself and find your humanity.

Look within yourself and be a man.

Your statement that our truth is "obscene and dehumanizing" is vapid name-calling. It is the desperate cry of a religious robot trying to maintain his religion's orthodoxy of hate.

By name-calling, you are calling every true man ("human" is an abstraction good only for robots) a "heretic."

Each society has had a word for heretics.

Communists called heretics "Fascists".

Fascist Italy called heretics "Communists".

Political Correctness calls heretics "Haters and Racists".

Anti-racism means white genocide. Political Correctness demands it not be said.

In that way you avoid having to confront our truth.

You know nothing of us. But your response tells us ALL about YOU.


After all the above work-related genius, Pain asked ME if he should use the proposed Norwegian Mantra.

Dammit, Pain, do what you are doing!

The LAST thing Mark wanted to do was to keep you from drawing attention to what WORKS. Give the man CREDIT! He had some points Bob should have paid attention to so he bit me on the ass.

As to your getting too much credit, nobody would be more ecstatic than Mark if you took over the world.

Except maybe me.

Just keep on the attack. We are working on some stuff we found out about Europeans.

Bob is not ABOUT to tell you how to use it. You are fighting the fight and doing a great job of it, and don't tell Mark or me you don't know it. Even I am not that dumb and Mark sure as hell isn't.

Sic the bastards, and we are beyond the point where I need my ego massaged by your asking me HOW. Do what you are doing.

The seminar can offer you very useful, practical stuff only WE know how to use. But the torch has been PASSED. You are IT now.


Europe is very upset that President Bush refuses to adopt their present "center-left" economic policy. Meanwhile, in the period since Europe adopted that policy, European per capita income has dropped twenty percent relative to the United States.

During that same period, Europe has had a permanent recession, while America has had the greatest boom in its history.

Another thing Europe is preaching at Bush about is America's policy on crime. They say our imprisoning more and more repeat felons is evil. Meanwhile, as you may have guessed, the American crime rate has been going down, while that in Europe, once very low, has skyrocketed.

Then there's the idea of a missile defense system. Most Americans are totally unaware that we have no defense whatsoever if any country sends a missile our way. Europe doesn't even want us even to think about having one.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, I am the only person who remembers that this so-called "Star Wars" was the final nail in the coffin of the Soviet Union. Every leftist and every European "ally" BEGGED Reagan to drop his Strategic Defense Initiative. He refused.

Finally, the Soviet Union admitted that "Star Wars" was the final straw that broke its back in the Cold War. They admitted that they could not match the unmatchable technological edge of the United States in space, even with the help of a spy penetration that would have made McCarthy blanch.

That was the reason the USSR threw in the towel on the Cold War.

"Star Wars" worked once, while Europe fought it as frantically as did the USSR. So Europe is once again preaching against it.