In 1250, AD:

1) Every literate person knew the world was round;

2) Medical texts recommended taking fruits with Vitamin C, though of course it wasn't specified, on board for long sea voyages. The Vikings never had scurvy;

3) Medical texts also routinely insisted that wounds be soaked in wine to avoid infection;

4) There was not, and never had been, a witch-burning hysteria. The Hammer of Witches was a RENAISSANCE document. The real Medieval Church, including the Inquisition, had viewed most witches as demented women;

5) Many castles had showers, only mechanically different from the ones we have today. Bathing was popular, but expensive and difficult for most. Saturday was bath day for the wealthy, as it had been for the "barbarians." In one case before 1000 AD, an attack was launched on Saturday precisely because it was "bath day." History records this and blithely goes on with the myth that barbarians did not bathe;

6) Higher math, Western math, the Calculus and the math of CHANGING relationships, was developed ENTIRELY in the Middle Ages. It was seriously retarded when the Renaissance brought in "Classical" math and tried to show how advanced math was a product of "The Ancients." One mathematician took care of that by saying the Classical mathematicians were the real giants, and Medievals were only more advanced because "They stood on the shoulders of giants."

Pure crap.

The examples are endless.

7) In my youth, textbooks had a poor, crippled "map of the world" that was supposed to represent the Dark Ages, pre-Columbus, worldview. As a matter of fact, it was the world map of the Classical Age, discovered by the Renaissance. The world which had discovered Greenland and which was trying to find a NEW way to reach the Far East was far, far beyond that poor, crippled thing.

That map was only used by Renaissance "scholars."

The Renaissance caused Luther and his followers to assume that only Hebrew Scriptures were true Old Testament. This was nonsense. The New Testament was written by HELLENIC Jews whose entire Bible was in GREEK.

On and on it goes.

The Renaissance was an intellectual DISASTER.