The Lesson is NO WORDISM!!!

Afrikanerdom has failed.

After 350 years, it's gone - forever.


Hail Jan van Riebeeck! You did well brother. It's a pity your forebears... through their God-forsaken vanity and silly ideals... colonial Africa has OFFICIALLY collapsed. Resigned. Ask me. I've monitored it probably more closely than anybody else alive on this planet.

Bye-bye Africa. You're doomed.


Marwinsing heads West.


Comment by Marwinswing


Like the Plymouth Pilgrims, the Afrikaners built their identity on Calvinist Wordism. Western Europe called itself Christendom. The words a tribe subscribes to begin by embracing the tribe. So Christendom also meant white Europe. The Calvinist Kirk of Ply mouth began as a white man's church. Laws prohibiting blacks from striking whites called them "infidels," Charles Martel was said to be defending, not Western society, not our race, but Christendom.

Eventually you begin to BELIEVE that.

The REAL Olympic Oath included the words, "I am of pure Hellenic blood." The REAL Zoroastrian faith excluded all non-Aryans, but the last Zoroastrian shah was a mulatto.

Afrikanerdom ended by asking, "Why are we separated from OTHER Christians?" A WHITE Afrikaner would have seen that the rest of the race is very sick right now, and it is separated from THEM. Five million dedicated white people could have helped a LOT.

They'll be sitting in their church building this week, reading from The Book.


THE FUTURE | 2001-08-04

Most rightists today are depressed.

It appears to them that leftists have gotten a stranglehold on every source of power. Daily the voting power of minorities grows, and they are a slavish leftist power base. In the media, NBC, ABC and CBS remain solidly leftist.

The traditional family is being undermined, illegitimacy has reached proportions among whites which they once reached only among minorities. Among minorities these rates have long since gone ballistic.

"Taking back America," the conservative battle cry, seems hopeless.

Leftists have sewed up all the old power bases. But that will not determine the future.

If one knows American history, the old ruling class has always controlled the established power bases. It was the rise of new kinds of power that overthrew them.

America's first contest for power was the expansion westward, and the South won that contest hands down. We not only settled new Southern and border states at a frantic rate, but we populated a large portion of the Midwest as well.

Seeing the South dominating the westward expansion, New England despaired of ever gaining power in America. New England held secession conventions in 1814.

New England fought every expansion westward because the South led westward expansion completely. The Northeast had lost the old contest for power.

When the slave states wanted to introduce Mississippi, Alabama and Missouri into the Union, the free states could only get a matching free state by splitting the east coast into tinier and tinier fragments.

The South had won the old contest for the old power base. But a new one rose. When the westward expansion was at its height, American industry was made up of a lot of tiny factories. The real power back then lay in settling new lands.

But in the nineteenth century, the new industrial technology steadily became dominant.

New England got its power when they took over the new industrial technology. Their power came from the new rules technology made, not from "taking back" under the old rules.

By 1900, New England and its industrialists had transformed the rest of America and especially the South into economic and political colonies.

Then these capitalists lost power to a new group, the liberals and social planners.

Once again, this was not the result of "taking back" the old power sources. Until they had won overwhelmingly, the old industrialists remained solidly anti-liberal. Liberals did not win power by "taking back" industry.

What liberals took over was a new power source. In the first part of the twentieth century the educational establishment was tiny. It survived on the generosity of industrialists and other big money.

Just as New England and its industry reduced the South to colonial status, leftism has turned big money into its servant. Liberals did that by dominating the new power, the growing education complex and the growing power of government brought on by a more and more interdependent economy and new communications.

In each case, the new rulers USED a new political ideology, but that ideology was just the tactic of a new power group.

In the name of fighting the Old South's slavery, New England built a coalition with Midwestern farmers. But beneath all this, as Calhoun so clearly saw, was the rising NEW FORCE of industry.

America got rid of the old slavocracy when it was taken over by Eastern big money.

Likewise, in fighting the old New England capitalist power, liberals got the South and the Midwest on their side. Liberal rulers got their total dominance today by crushing "wage slavery" and replacing it with tax slavery and rule by regulation.

Now, in its turn, leftism is rotten and out of date. That is its weakness. But it will not be defeated by taking back the old power sources. It will be supplanted by new sources of power, the kind we are seeing exploding out all over the place.

Once again, the ruling group controls the old power sources, like the media and the universities and public education. But once again a new power is rising.

A biological revolution is under way. A communications revolution is under way. They will produce new power sources and new political approaches to get rid of the present rule by social science planners that we call leftism.

I am optimistic because the left is doomed. It will be unseated and replaced, maybe by something even more dangerous. But I know that the PRESENT gloom of the right is absurd.

The old power that is based in universities is being challenged by new powers which were produced by the same process that allowed capitalists to replace the slavocracy, and the same process that allowed social planners to take over from the capitalists.

The real future has absolutely nothing to do with the processes that today's conservatives consider so modern and inevitable. The real future will blindside our present rulers. Like the rise of industry which so few recognized, like the growth of planner power, it will completely upset the processes we are used to.

Gloom comes from the fact that today's anti-liberals are looking at the future the way liberals want them to.

There is great promise and there is great danger in the real future. But today's conservatives don't see either. They are looking the wrong way.

The left rules, for example, by its rule over education and the media. But new communications are rising, and the education complex today is rigid and exists only because of things like rules of accreditation.

The left is doomed. What the future will look like has nothing to do with what present political thinkers think it does.


Nobody dares call a liberal a "Communist" anymore. But Southern Nationalists are going to be called Nazis all the time. This is because respectable conservatives and Southern Crawlers are weenies. Whereas no liberal allows himself or any other leftist to be associated with totalitarians or mass murderers like Stalin, Southern Crawlers and respectable conservatives routinely allow leftists to use the label on rightists.

The reason Stalin was evil was not because of his economic ideas. He was a totalitarian and a mass murderer. Likewise, it was not Hitler's racial ideology that made him a Nazi. It was his dictatorship and his mass murder. But whereas liberals do not allow people to accuse leftists of being Communists because of their economic ideas, they know, and insist, that it is the means, not the ends, that make the difference.

Respectable conservatives and Southern Crawlers care about nothing but pleasing leftists. They are happy to agree that all nationalists and all racists are Nazis. Jefferson was a Nazi, sure! The segregated United States Army that invaded Normandy was Nazi, sure!

Do not allow anybody to do this to you.

And do NOT allow them to subject you to any kind of an ideological test to prove you are not a racist. The minute you give them the right to approve of your views on nation and race, you have lost. The entire issue here is not your aims, but the fact that they are accusing you of advocating violent revolution, dictatorship, and mass murder, and you will not stand for it. Point out immediately that they are saying that Jefferson was a Nazi, that all those who wrote the Constitution were Nazis, because all of them opposed racial intermarriage. This is outrageous. Nazism, like Communism, is a matter of means, not of ends. All socialists are not Communists, and all nationalists, nor even most racists, are Nazis. KEEP ON TOPIC! If they accuse you of being a racist, say that is a code word for "Nazi," which it is. Keep them on the defensive. Until we do this, the Nazi Scare will keep us as impotent as respectable conservatives and Southern Creeps.

The Nazi Scare is one of two standard attacks all nationalists have to deal with. The other, which is related, is the argument that no separate countries should be allowed because they might not treat their own minorities right. Respectable conservatives and Southern Crawlers allow the leftists and centralizers to use these tactics without challenge.

Respectable conservatives and Southern Crawlers are the best friends tyranny has.


Two cops in a police car patrolled a wealthy neighborhood at 2 AM. They saw two young black guys driving along very slowly in an old car. Kowalski, who only had a high school diploma, said, "We better watch those guys."

Smith was Kowalski's partner. He had a college degree in sociology.

Smith smiled knowingly. "Those men are American citizens traveling at a legal speed on an American street. We don't want to be part of the problem. We don't want to harass men because of the color of their skin or the price of their car."

A call came in a few minutes later. A car had been seen speeding on a nearby highway. Kowalski, reflecting his mere high school background, wanted to go after that car.

Once again, the Cop With The Degree smiled knowingly. "The driver of that car was speeding a few minutes ago. That does not mean he is speeding now. You can't bring up past offenses in court, where everybody has an advanced degree. So why should you and I jump to conclusions here?"

About then they came upon an old lady driving an expensive Cadillac. The Cop With The Degree turned on the blue light. Kowalski was puzzled, so the Cop With the Degree explained, "Random check. All over town cops are stopping young black men like the ones we passed a little while ago. We're going to balance the equation."

On the bullhorn he said, "Step out of the car." It turned out that the car was not registered in the woman's name. Kowalski wanted to let the woman go, but The Cop With the Degree knew that they would have held the black guys until they found out what was going on. So in a couple of hours they chased down the woman's daughter and found the car did belong to her and let her go.

At the end of the day, Kowalski had failed to learn anything from his educated partner. His only comment was, "Either he's crazy or I am."

But things worked out well in the long run. Kowalski was a hard worker, so he managed to send his son to college. The younger Kowalski got a degree and was ashamed of his unenlightened father. He is now a police lieutenant who thinks just like Smith.

For some reason, the crime rate has gone out of sight in that town. Kowalski Junior will soon make captain and work directly under Police Commissioner Smith. Smith is a member of the Mayor's Emergency Task Force on Crime. The Mayor's Task Force on Crime has been formed to study the alarming increase in felonies.

The Task Force has provisionally decided that the solution to the problem of crime lies in education.