Someone has been planting weapons on planes to show up the Federal bunglers who are supposed to handle security at airports. They had a former New York City Police Commissioner to comment on it, and he said exactly what you would expect a former New York City police commissioner to say.

He said the sickos who planted the weapons were the real problem. He said the real problem was that some terrorist who didn't have a weapon might happen to find those box cutters and use them. Security wasn't to blame.

When he was New York City Police Commissioner, the same guy said the reason there were a lot of murders in New York was because honest people had guns which the poor, innocent criminals got hold of.

This clown is now handling security in Iraq.


Decades ago, conservatives never blamed liberals for being openly pro-criminal. The liberal media wanted to talk about gun control, so conservatives who became media spokesmen talked about two things: 1) gun control and 2) what nice people the liberals were.

But somebody did use the crime issue the right way. Someone did attack politicians for being pro-criminal. Guess who?

The left, of course.

Criminals never had a greater friend in public life than New York Congresswoman Bella Abzug. She fought as hard to get as many repeat felons back on the streets as any other liberal ever did.

One day in the early 1970s Bella Abzug and some other leftist women decided they would become The Women's Movement. So they held a press conference and declared they represented Women's Rights. One thing they denounced was all the rapes that were being committed by repeat rapists who were being putting back on the streets. They said, and I am not joking here, that repeat rapists were on the streets because men were to blame.

One day Bella Abzug was fighting to get every repeat felon back on the streets and the next day she was screaming about all these repeat rapists who were on the streets. So did conservatives make a laughing stock of that?

Of course not. Not a single conservative spokesman even mentioned it. Abzug was a leftist and she wanted to talk about an Equal Rights Amendment, so what conservatives, ALL the conservatives, talked about was the Equal Rights Amendment. Abzug's pro-criminal record never came up.

Early in the Viet-Nam War, Bella Abzug had gone down to Cuba to worship Castro. While she was there the Cubans showed films of American planes being shot down over North Viet Nam. Abzug and her fellow Patriotic Liberals cheered and clapped loudly.

National Review mentioned that Bella had worshipped Castro and cheered at the death of America pilots, but it stopped there. Every conservative spokesman will tell you that Bella may have made some honest mistakes, but she was a True Patriot, like all liberals.

Respectable conservatives gave the crime issue to the liberals from the word go. They surrendered the whole battle before the argument started.


The Big Lie is that America is "a land of immigrants."

Both sides of my family got here in the seventeenth century, and not one of them was an immigrant. America was here and we took it.

The "English" name Whitaker comes from the Saxon name Weissaker. Back about the sixth century we took England from the Celts.

We did not request a visa. We were not immigrants. Then the Normans conquered us. That's how history works.

My family did to the Indians what the Congoids, ancestors of today's African and American blacks, did to the Capoids, ancestors of today's Hottentots and Cape Coloreds

We wiped them out.

The Final Solution was in practice a thousand years before Hitler was born. Blacks did it. In fact, blacks were still wiping out the Capoids and taking their land while they were selling us other blacks to use as slaves.

So we owe them reparations.

Now back to this "nation of immigrants" crap

Anyone who lets someone call the country he was born in "a nation of immigrants" has given away his birthright.


William Fox wants me to write the book on "Wordism" I wanted to write and to write an American history from the Southern white point of view.

Sometimes a person who gives out good advice is the last to listen to what he himself says. I keep telling you that all my ideas must interrelate. I suddenly realized that both these concepts interrelate as a single subject. The Southern concept of the American Union versus that of Lincoln's is a classic example of racism versus Wordism.

We always saw America as united by RACE. The settling of the British colonies was always looked upon as an extension of the expansion of the Indo-European, Aryan RACE. The covered wagons we used to move westward even LOOKED like the ones our Aryan ancestors used as they moved, wave after wave, into Europe, Iran, and India.

We no longer find it easy to think of India or Iran as a part of that migration because they are no longer WHITE.

Our ancestors went to America by ship. But my Weissaker ancestors took over Britain by ship, too. I don't have to tell you about the Vikings.

Not a single word of the ancient ship-talk we all now about has a Middle Eastern origin. From jib to yardarm, it is all Old Saxon stuff.

To get back to the interrelation of my thought, you remember that I have said repeatedly that those who hate invariably use the word "Hate" to describe their enemies, that the person who is our to destroy education poses as a champion of Education?

Lincoln talked endlessly about Freedom and put America under martial law to win the 1864 election.

And, above all, Lincoln talked about Saving the Union.

So by now it is routine to the point of a yawn for you and me to look for the person who destroyed the Union to look for the person who shouted "Union" loudest.

Today we have the fruits of Lincoln's labors. The idea of single united America is going down the tubes, and everybody knows it.

The Union was a result of the Aryan movement into America. In the Dred Scot Decision, the Supreme Court made it perfectly clear that America was a WHITE country, and that was the basis of our Union. Southern states owned slaves, but Northern states benefited from that more than the South did.

But in 1863 Lincoln ended THAT Union once and for all. He threw away the Preamble to our Constitution, on which the Union was based, and declared that America is based on the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence, that ALL men were created equal, that ALL men made up America.

Lincoln talked about a house divided against itself cannot stand. But that is precisely what we have today, a house divided against itself. And every day it is MORE divided.

When Yankees took the side of the blacks and the Indians against us, their fellow whites, they destroyed the contract that had taken America all the way to the Pacific Ocean. The Fourteenth Amendment was the final nail in that coffin.

So I propose that the two books be one book.

What say ye?