"ALL IS LOST" | 2004-08-21

The right wing version of Time Provincialism is, "I think America is doomed."

So what is that supposed to mean? The next generation is still going to be born. Tomorrow is going to come. I understand what people mean when they say, "You are going against Church dogma."

I even understand what people mean when they say, "The ideas of 2004 are the True Ideas." People said exactly the same thing in 1904. People said exactly the same thing in 1804.

But what does "All is lost" mean?

What is this "All" that is "lost"?

I don't see any "All" that we have that is worth keeping.

I am not a conservative because I don't see that there is a hell of a lot to conserve. But right wingers keep repeating that we have lost this wonderful "All" we have right now.

Is this wonderful "All" the Spirit of Self-Sacrifice and the Family Values and the Work Ethic we used to have?

Let me tell you a little secret: If the last generation had all that Spirit of Self-Sacrifice and Loyalty and Family Values you are wailing about, the new generation would have them too.

This Great America that had this "All" is being overrun by immigration. I didn't see any of the people who were supposed to have these wonderful values raise a finger to stop all that from happening.

I repeat: What is this "All" that is "lost"?