Looking at the shambles around us, it is hard for young people to believe that anything has improved in any area since the 60s. But I remember that back then a debate would consist of liberal Republicans arguing on television with liberal Democrats. Things were so bad that liberal propaganda was declared to be a public service, AND NO ONE PUBLICLY DISAGREED.

Television is still solid leftist propaganda, but they don't brag about it any more or call it public service-type "messages." It is now called propaganda when it is mentioned.

Back in the 1950s and 1960s, movies and television shows would have "social messages" in them. These "social messages" would call for integration or peace with the Communists. A "social message" would explain to us that what we called criminals were actually innocent victims of society.

Some New York writer would appear on television and tell us how he tried to get "social messages" into his work. He would chide others for not having enough "social messages" on television. Everybody would agree with him.

It was taken for granted that we were all to feel grateful for these "social messages." Back then, though no one else seemed to question this, I was absolutely puzzled by it.

"Why," I wanted to ask, "Are we to be grateful that someone puts his political propaganda into my television entertainment?" But, as I say, no one on the talk shows ever asked this question. It was just something that was supposed to be good for us.

Today, I am in the same quandary when it comes to all the media urging people to do me a big favor and vote. Why on earth should I want somebody to vote? Why is a disinterested person doing the country a favor by staggering to the polls and casting a mindless vote? You see almost no one protesting this nonsense, though I know it makes no sense to any of us. We were the same way back then about those "social messages."

Younger people cannot imagine what a relief it is to have any nationwide means by which to criticize the left.

There is one nice thing about speaking for truth that has long been suppressed: the more avenues that open up to us, the more the old ones which are locked in by liberals lose the power to prevent Americans from telling each other the truth. As Lake High says, "If you're not on the Internet, you're not in politics."

We are getting new avenues also in the explosion of cable channels. And the Internet and cable help each other. Back in the old days, even if we could have brought up points on the Internet, the three major networks and PBS could and would have ignored us. But today,

with so many cable outlets and so many competing talk programs, there is less and less time between the buzz on the Internet and public discussion.

Meanwhile all this is killing network news, which means it is destroying one of our deadliest enemies. Information technology is our friend, and it's moving faster all the time.