So "We the People" will get nothing. The Europeans and the Europeanists and the American left are sure that Good Old Uncle Turkey is back. Conservatives still hope to win by a highly successful invasion of Iraq by the United States acting alone.
As I said last week, conservative victory will give "We the People" nothing. Oil prices will skyrocket if there is a war, but the United States will not buy captured Iraqi oil at a reasonable price in order to cow OPEC. The oil will sit right where it is while Americans are gouged because of the crisis.
Why? Because everybody will agree that we should not use our idealistic war for the grubby business of getting oil.
So Americans won't win with a conservative victory. But conservatives will win. Conservatives will get the one thing they really live for.
Conservatives want lots of military money and lots of Americans in uniforms. As always, they're telling us that and only I seem to hear exactly what they are saying.
One after another, American conservatives are saying, "If we go into Iraq, we must be prepared to STAY A While." That's the conservative dream: lots and lots of American uniforms, big defense budgets. The bottom line is always the same.
And the part that both liberals and conservatives love is that none of this is for "We the People." We are in there to make a better life for the Iraqis, the Israelis, the Europeans. We are in there to SACRIFICE.
Ain't it great?