The price of labor is ten times as high on the American side of the Rio Grande as it is a hundred yards away on the Mexican side. Why?
The reason labor is so cheap in Mexico is because no one wants to live in Mexico and no one wants to invest in Mexico. The reason no one wants to live in Mexico is because it is inhabited by Mexicans. The reason no one wants to invest in Mexico is because the country is run by Mexicans.
In other words, the same people who talk about how much they want the Mexican culture in America are the very people who are not about to put real money in Mexico. But anybody would rather put his money into Mexico than he would into Mozambique or Haiti.
"Put your money where your mouth is." Michael Douglas talks tearfully about how great the United Nations is, so we should take all of his money and let the All-Wise United Nations invest it for him.
If anybody tried to make Douglas put all his investments into the UN every Hollywood leftist would go ballistic.
Barbara Streisand loves to talk about her love of the poor folks, but she will kill before she loses a dime in royalties. Streisand and Douglas are happy to put American lives in the hands of the United Nations, but you had better not try to put any money they really need to live on into the United Nations.
American liberals and conservatives are willing to put American soldiers' lives into the hands of the United Nations, but not their own money.