Sane social policy can only be reached after we have gone through a horrible, costly, disastrous period of taking liberal policy seriously. So it was with crime and so it must be with black education.
Until we look at the old, insane leftist arguments as what they really are and reject them, we cannot return to sanity.
Most people now know how insane the old liberal policy on crime was. Criminals are not just victims of an evil society, as every liberal said in 1960. They must be punished for crime to be prevented.
On race policy, liberals still require conservatives to forget how insane their original justifications were. Policy in that area will remain a disaster as long as that denial persists.
Nothing liberals advocate ever WORKS. So liberals have to deal with constant failure, and they are used to it. They have several established ways of doing this.
First and foremost, liberals use respectable conservatives to make sure their repeated failures are never mentioned. In 1960, integration was supposed to get rid of what were then considered the incredibly high black rates of illegitimacy, drug use and crime. Now those 1960 black statistics are the average WHITE rates, and blacks are much, much worse off.
Blacks are better off now in some ways, such as pay. But their RATE of improvement in these areas was just as fast before integration and affirmative action policies were established.
So liberal policies are a disaster, as usual. But no conservative who does not want to be shrieked at and then ignored ever mentions such a thing.
The reason liberalism always fails is because it always violates common sense. One old common-sense saying was "one rotten apple spoils the barrel." Naturally, liberals sought to deal with those terrible black statistics by dumping the black students in wholesale with white students. The only result, as the old wisdom would have predicted, was that whites went down to black levels.