We know how priests and preachers get ordained. They get ordained by other priests - a bishop is also a priest - or by other ministers of their particular religion. But does that make them right or objective?
Of course not. Tens of hundreds of thousands of little boys got raped by priests because people had the idea that a backwards collar automatically makes a man as pure of heart as Dan Rather.
Let me tell you a little secret about human beings. If you give any group a cover like Top Secret or a backwards collar or a title like Professor or "journalist" they will use that against the public.
The Bible of Free Enterprise is Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations. But the man businessmen regard as their patron saint said in that book that businessmen are simply incapable of getting together without their meeting becoming a conspiracy to fix prices or otherwise cheat the public.
Nobody in the press would say that about the press. Nobody in the intelligence service ever says that about Top Secret. No professor says that about "academic freedom" at public expense.
So who made everybody but businessmen saints?