PC JIHAD | 2005-03-12

Most of my readers know that I constantly repeat the point that Political Correctness is not LIKE a religion, it IS a religion.

Well, what sort of religion is it? It seems to me that it is a lot like Islam with its jihad. Why do I say that?

Islam teaches that everyone is either a Muslim or an infidel. Islam requires complete devotion. The term "secular Islam" makes about as much sense as "Judeo-Christian."

Political Correctness DEMANDS total obedience from everyone. There is no middle ground. Everyone is either Politically Correct or a "hater."

Islam recognizes no distinction among adherents, racial, ethnic, cultural, or otherwise. You either are a Muslim or you are an infidel. If you recognize any other distinction, you are not true to Islam.

Political Correctness recognizes no distinction among adherents, racial, ethnic, cultural, or otherwise. You either are Politically Correct or you are a hater. If you recognize any other distinction, you are a hater. Unless, of course, you are a non-white.

In spite of its bloody beginnings and history, we are told by the White House and the media that Islam is a religion of "peace."

In like manner, everyone who opposes the ABSOLUTE demands of Political Correctness is INTOLERANT. So Political Correctness is a religion of "tolerance" in the same way that Islam is a religion of "peace."

"Spiritual" jihad in Islam is the inner battle to rid oneself of anything that hinders one from perfect obedience to Islam. Physical jihad is the war to subdue and convert or destroy infidels.

"Spiritual" Political Correctness is the inner battle against recognizing any differences among people, against "institutional racism," "patriarchal vestiges," etc. Physical Political Correctness is the war to subdue and eliminate the white race.

Faithful Islamic young people must memorize and recite large passages of the Koran by rote. They do this to be deemed worthy adherents and gain the approval of the Imam.

Young people living under Political Correctness are expected to memorize and recite large amounts of leftist nonsense to be blessed by its priesthood with a diploma.