One commenter made me feel good by pointing out that Icelandic media would not have publicized the Mantra, even in an attack article, if they had realized it was written by a professional.

If you read my descriptions of how I got sure-fire big-time opposition strategy knocked out on Capitol Hill, it reminds us of how my effectiveness was vastly increased by the fact that others took credit for what I did.

Like Iceland, they didn't know a pro did it.

It is like a low-budget hit movie. You need a pro like me to write it, but that doesn't no good unless a producer like Creator comes along.

We work under cover. We are not IMPORTANT enough to attack. The media want to talk about the people who get the exposure, the Tea Party and the Big Names.

So each time I began the grinding work of identifying where they were going and finding the way to derail it and explaining it to my fellows, the media didn't watch and ended by blaming the defeat that came out of nowhere it on my boss or Senator Helms or some other favorite villain.

And, as I keep pointing out, this cover gives us the chance to exert REAL power below the radar.

So you provide them an opportunity to scream how anti-white you are. In all the noise, that dagger you stuck into the heart of their program went unnoticed. Establishments often die when they begin to see nothing but each other.

The commenter is dead right. People right there in Washington never realized that I was one who was cutting their throats on a regular basis while they had Carter and two Democratic Houses of Congress and should have had it their own way.

The chances of anyone in Iceland knowing what they are dealing with here are way below negligible.

The Mantra is a computer virus in their program. Once you insert it, it changes the whole anti-white and pro-white worldview as it quietly multiplies itself.

In their trash job against the lady who hit them with Mantra shows, they got to use all their distortions, but the little virus crept into their program.

The attack was a carbon copy of millions of such attacks.

But our little dagger, our little virus, is unique.

Yes, Creator, your immediate responses may have slowed a bit, though another writer told you that they haven't.

My own opinion is that of another commenter that your media are beginning to feel that they have let a virus into their program. The responses they are getting just aren't right.

Believe me, in a country the size of Iceland, the one Big Bigot would be a pet project on and on.

It might be years before the real effects of the Mantra Are admitted in your media or fully realized by the Icelandic public. BUT NOW IT IS THERE.

Take it from a pro: You planted the seeds and they will grow.

It is lot easier for you to get depressed than it is for me. I hammered away for years on the Mantra on STORMFRONT and all I got back was more about News and Jews. You have planted it and got a huge response.

If you want sympathy from ME, young lady, you ain'ta gonna git it.


Response by OldBlighty:

If Creator chooses to do that, she'll need some big strong lads providing security.

If street activism is going to be done, then striking at the heart of the beast would be another logical target. I assume the heart of the beast is the Universities?

The Mantra would be fiercely resisted there, so it would be quite a show for the press.

Response by Creator:

Put up a billboard. It would be in their faces 24 hours a day and it would be seen by everyone from bottom to top. They can't throw it away or turn it off. It is just there.

I can't write a letter to the editor in Icelandic or afford to fly Iceland to help hand out flyer but I can send $20 toward renting a big billboard on a major highway.

Response by Shari:

Does Iceland have big billboards, or are there laws that all signs have to be tastefully small? Anyway, if Creator decides to do something that costs money, I would donate too.

Iceland just might be the place to light a fuse, because it's small, and not yet flooded, I think. So, perhaps, anti-white racists are more demoralized than veh BGLass ement?

Response by Simmons:

This internet commando has one piece of advice, do not follow the American WN vanguard's methods of trying to out radical the anti-Whites.

No one group has failed as spectacularly as the screamers of "muds and kikes" as they compete for a small band of News & Jews obsessives to send them money.

Second to all whites especially lefty leaning whites, they are absolutely convinced via their cults that they are superior and sounding off about genocide seems like an off chord to whites. That is why we put our points in Mantra form: short succinct, repeatable, and learnable.

In line with the above tie in all anti-White rhetoric and actions back to Mantra do not go off on an AmRen Jr. Mommy Prof riff about Crime and IQ stats.

The phrase is "anti-White", "anti-White", "anti-White" into infinity.

Response by BGLass:

"...Iceland just might be the place to light a fuse, because it's small and not yet flooded..."

Creating a need for the people to want to use the Mantra may be easier in more mixed, though. Iceland seems like small town America but on a world stage, like its resistance might come from lack of exposure, just like in small town America. It's protestant also, so has similar religious-setup/resistances.

So, already you hear Iceland framed like the last stand place for whites, or a place they want to go, poor at the moment but still white. A West Virginia of Europe. A pristine island set apart. Since that is what Iceland represents to the world and the reason people there should want to argue about this, and because of the current economy, travel bureaus and chambers of commerce?

Sounds stupid, but can outsiders help as prospective tourists? The reason people dream of Iceland is that it's white. It's the whole selling point of Iceland. (as seen from outside). It's now what "Norway" used to represent. Iceland is the new Norway (in American perception anyway). "Norway" used to be what people said when they meant a certain symbol. Now they say "Iceland" instead. Money-wise the smartest thing Iceland could do is be overtly white. It is seen like a "ski resort," (code white).

Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White countries for Everybody - except Iceland! Iceland should see itself as bucking this world trend; it should see this as its specialness.

Travel websites, tourist venues. Iceland is a symbol of white. It is like the Amish to the Americans.

Response by Horus:

They realized you are on a crafty consistent message so now they are ignoring you. Welcome to practical politics Creator! By the way, they in no way would have written that hit piece had they known the message was designed by a professional. Oh and it has not died down. I am getting downloads a plenty from your little country. So don't let their silence fool you.

Creator, the only correct response from us is to increase the noise level. There are a handful of ways to go about this. Bob has talked about one of the ways to do this. There are other ways to bring attention to a message. Our enemy uses a complete media package to attack us. They inundate us with both sight and sound. And the "sight" can be as important as the "sound".

I will be doing my part to help you and others working with the Mantra. We are in the process of undergoing a huge website overhaul that will help the spread of the Mantra videos.

We are going to spotlight videos (like yours) on a site with show stopping graphics. Look for site makeover to come live in the next week. There should be a short piece on BUGS introducing the group to the upgraded once it goes live.

Response by Simmons:

Language use tip about consistent message. About response # 10 Jack Ryan goes lazy and uses the stock phrase "antis" instead of anti-White in his last paragraph. Read that paragraph and see how he was taken off message and then insert "anti-White" into the place of "antis" to see how consistent message sounds and will work.

Response by OldBlighty:

"This internet commando has one piece of advice, do not follow the American WN vanguard's methods of trying to out radical the anti-Whites."

I have heard it said elsewhere, that street activism is counterproductive, if it shows how weak you are. And there is nothing that shows your weakness more, than a small group of people, protected by police and the whole lot surrounded by an angry mob.

Our enemy affected most of the societal changes subliminally and through education. So using the Internet and the Mantra to educate our people could still be the best way forward.

So perhaps we should keep on spreading out on to Youtube, as well as comment on articles? once it goes live.

Response by Simmons:

Also our "vanguard" is a paid stooge operation which attracts fringe personalities attracted to a message that sounds like this, "Let's really incinerate Anne Frank this time."

Do you want them for neighbors? I do not.

Response by Gator:

I think it wise to observe the New Orleans Protocols. Not saying you are wrong. Just that we can't control what others do, but we should stay positive.

Response by Creator:

Positive, always positive, creative ideas and solutions.

"I'm loving this war."

"Rankest" or "ranked" - we or us - you or me.

We all know what we are and we are proud of it - Specialists in White Genocide or better yet, Experts in White Survival.

And off I go to on a new "recon and sniping" mission. Tra la la, la la la, la la.........

Response by Dungeoneer:

I don`t know if you remember Creator but my first comment when I saw you on a Mantra video was: "Good blood and good message = unstoppable".

This comment today made by an anti-White made me smirk: "You fool; you're just contradicting yourself by saying that anti-racists want to see less white children. Secondly, as if you have evidence to even suggest that there are policies in operation which leads to less white children in every white nation. What a pathetic little speech by you."

That dog don`t hunt and it will be put down.

Response by Jason W:

I ask this because the only real reaction yet, to our Mantra video was a single article in a popular on-line media a couple of days ago where a "conservative respectable" wrote that we should be silenced because we abused what he called freedom of speech.

On the West Coast we have had considerable success regarding hate speech which is what the "conservative respectable" seems to have spoken. We retaliate by attacking the hate speaker right up to, but not over, the line of libel. A YouTube presentation denouncing the speaker personally for his bigotry toward white Icelanders is a good idea.

We don't use notions of fairness, etiquette, constitutional/customary rights, or liberal/conservative analyses to make our point. We just attack the hate speaker personally for psychological or emotional deficiencies causing him to hate white people. We want the attack to sting, but not to libel.

We advocate an attack in our white voice with the cruel tools of deconstruction and close reading, and we mean that literally. As "a white Icelander", I believe I need to point out the emotional deficiency exposed by the "conservative respectable" in his remarks yesterday ridiculing white Icelanders, etc., etc." The only limit we put on this approach is that we do not attack a hate speaker for his membership in some other demographic group....that raises too many new issues. Stick to the personality of the hate speaker.

I am sure you can find some vagueness or weakness in the hate speaker's remarks to exploit. Attack the hate speaker for his hate speech against the diverse white Icelanders. I could be more explicit were I to see the initial remarks by the hate speaker.

Response by OldBlighty:

If we remain focused on Iceland, I think we should learn as much as possible from professional spammers and identify very popular YouTube videos, watched by all Icelanders and then gather as many friends as possible from those videos.

Then we can use our friend lists, to send video suggestions out to people, so we can keep stirring the pot over there.