"Why Johnny Can't Think" is not just the usual conservative criticism of liberal policy. We want action.
We want affirmative action HIRING of rightist professors. They must be the very people today's professors hate. We demand affirmative action FIRING of today's professor, who is a product of an insane inbreeding and the author of endless human misery.
As in all movements, it will be an astonishingly tiny number of people who stick to the subject and make the university revolution.
Once those few get the fight going, allies will pour in. The enemies of Political Correctness are now legion.
There are thousands of solid right-wing professors we could hire, and they can help in taking this fight to the enemy. Our enemies are using hundreds of billions of dollars for their purposes.
We want a major portion of that money for our people.
It's called the spoils of war, and this is a war.
Our aim is to take away the real base of leftist power, the universities. We will not hesitate to use their money and power against them.