"The Godfather, Part II" had a plot which ended up concentrating on a single incident. The Evil Capitalists and their fellow criminals, the Mafia, were dividing up Cuba with the evil ruler Battista. Meanwhile, the intellectual Marxist hero Fidel Castro was trying to drive Battista out of power.
The Godfather himself was riding through Havana at this time and he saw a man yell "Viva Fidel!" and blow himself up with a policeman. He told the Evil Capitalists that Castro would win. "Nobody paid that guy to kill himself," he said, "They might just win."
Fidel, you see, is a hero of the left. The movie industry was explaining to us that suicide bombing for Castro was a good idea. Terror against civilians has always been a routine Communist tactic. Those bombs were used in restaurants and other civilian targets back then the same way they are used by Palestinians today in Israel. But Cuba is not Israel.