I opposed the Patriot Act from the day I heard the name. It sounds like something out of George Orwell's novel 1984. The Bushes talk like something out of 1984. Bush Senior came up with a New World Order. If you read 1984 that will chill you to the bone.

Besides, in my opinion anyone who leaves the borders open has no right to talk about patriotism.

But that is MY opinion. Someone who believes America is "a nation of immigrants" would call me unpatriotic.

National Review took my old talk about Wordism and changed it into "a propositional state." I have said for decades that a state can be based on race or it can be Wordist. That is, patriotism in a Wordist state is based on what WORDS you are loyal to. So to a person who believes in "a nation of immigrants" I have no more right to be here than anyone else on earth who believes in the right words.

See May 15, 1999 WORDISM

They don't say it outright, but if you believe in the Catholic doctrine as it was in 1935, National Review considers you a patriotic American.

They don't say it outright, but if you believe in the Catholic doctrine as it was in 1935, National Review considers you a patriotic German.

And Brazilian.

And Japanese.

You get the picture?

If you watched the movie Reds you saw old American Communists declaring they had a right to believe in Communism because they were AMERICANS!

Communists believe that if you believe the words of Marx and Lenin, you are a patriotic American. Also a patriotic Canadian. Also a patriotic Samoan.

You get the picture?