Paul Craig Roberts' national column last week discussed a Jewish professor at Harvard who founded a group called Race Traitors
Their motto is, "Treason to the white race is loyalty to humanity."
I have known about the organization for a long time, but it didn't strike me as anything impressive. There is nothing surprising to me about a professor openly demanding an end to the white race. It is one thing everybody in academia is required to agree on.
This particular anti-white Harvard Professor, Noel Ignatiev, is surprised that anybody is surprised by his being paid, like everybody else at a university, to preach an end to the white race. Ignatiev says,
"The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists."
I have been hit with that line all my life, from both liberals and conservatives.
Coast to coast, a lot of conservatives are denouncing Ingnatiev's perfectly honest statement of national policy. They act as if they haven't been saying the same thing.
Well, DUH! Every respectable conservative has to announce the means he prefers to follow to get rid of whites. People like Pat Buchanan may ask that immigration to America from the third world be slowed down, but even Buchanan has to demand that immigration and integration take place so that the white majority will be turned brown.
Buchanan tried to argue against the browning of America a couple of times and got slapped down.
Buchanan now obeys the rule that has been true all of my considerable lifetime
Anyone who does not have a plan to get rid of the white race is anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews. No one is allowed to question the goal of a "raceless," by which they mean a whiteless, world. Nobody expects Africa to change or Asia to change its race, and no one cares one way or the other.
And this does not just mean leftist professors at Harvard. This is EVERYBODY: "There is no room for racism in America."
Ignatiev just said what he assumed we all knew
"The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists."
Everyone who is not a racist in this society subscribes to what Ignatiev says. So while I applaud Roberts's guts in talking about this guy, I wonder where the hell he has been all this time?