In December of 1799 George Washington died, a victim of his doctors. His infection didn't kill him, but their "treatment" did. Like all medical "experts" of his time, what they did for his infection was to drain him of a quart or two of blood.
The theory of the time, from the Roman doctor Galen, was that disease was caused by an imbalance of mythical things called "humors." So you bled the patient to "balance the humors."
So a sane person asks, "Didn't those medical clowns NOTICE that the patients they bled weakened and died?"
Well, look at us today. Professors and experts constantly recommend leftist programs. They demand that criminals be "rehabilitated" instead of punished. The crime rate soars. They demand an end to phonetic teaching of reading in schools. Literacy rates collapse. They insist that if the government owns all the industry, it will be efficient. Over half the world, Communist and socialist third world, used this system and sank into ever more desperate poverty.
It is not just that no program recommended by our social experts ever WORKS. The fact is that, like medical bleeding, every program recommended by our respected AND PAID experts is a DISASTER.
So a sane person asks, "Didn't those social experts ever notice that everything they did weakened and killed? Why should they? As long as they have degrees given them by other social experts who caused other disasters, we pay them, we respect them, and we listen to them.
When no one demands that a policy WORK, the right degree has always been a license to kill and wreck while getting paid for it, whether in the social sciences today or in yesterday's medicine.