I have spent some time studying earth and its various animal and vegetable inhabitants, among them the humans.
One aspect of human beings is that they are divided into various color groups, light, dark, and various mixes.
Like all beings, humans are adapted to the environment in which they live. Also, like all animals, each of humans lives in the areas which they are capable of conquering from competitors. Surviving animals 1) take the best land or 2) adapt to the best environment they are capable of holding.
As I pointed out in an earlier report, there was a giant animal called the mammoth which died out on earth over ten thousand years ago, with one exception. Some mammoths who lived on an island away from humans lived until three thousand years ago. In order to have a sufficient population to prevent inbreeding on that small island, this group of mammoths became midgets.
In order to survive, giant mammoths had to live on a small island and become small.
Humans follow a similar pattern. One group, called Eskimos or Inuits, followed the route that American Indians followed across the land bridge from Asia into America. They could not compete with the "Indians" who already occupied the warmer lands, so they adapted to the freezing climates that the Indians could not occupy.
Africa was occupied by a race which was black. They have another adaptation which is very harmful, but which allows them to occupy areas stronger races cannot take from them. They have a trait called "sickle cells' which helps protect them from tropical diseases. This trait leads in some cases to cycle cell anemia," a deadly disease among blacks.
The Mongoloid race has eyefolds which allowed to survive in areas that were so cold that, without these epicanthic eyefolds, their eyes would have frozen at night. They have horned skin, which is another adaptation that works much better than hair as a protection against cold.
There is a race which has no natural protection at all. It is called "white," though the coloring is usually pink (The Mongoloids are called "yellow" though their real coloring is usually a special shade of brown).
Since they have taken over the areas where they need no natural protection, this pink or "White" race is highly aggressive.
Each new phase of their written history is a period when another even pinker group invades settled areas from the north. Names recorded in history are Hittites, Ionic and Doric Greeks, Celts and Germans.
Not surprisingly, all these invasions and mass settlements come from the north and east, where pink peoples seem to originate. They never come from the darker-skinned south.