The European Union only took effect recently, and already it has caught up with the United States Supreme Court in dictating social policy throughout Europe. A "rights" activist appealed to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg because parents are allowed to spank children in Britain. They want the Court to declare all spanking to be criminal assault, as it is in Sweden.
Germany's constitution forbids women to serve in the military. The court struck that down. Britain has a regulation forbidding homosexuals to serve in the armed forces, and nine in ten Britons supports it. The Court struck it down.
Europe follows American trendy liberals, a.k.a. "political correctness," in a slavish way which outdoes American courts. Europe, which was once proud of its unique cultures, has now declared that every country on the continent must now be a "melting pot," just like Uncle Sam. The heavy vote for the anti-immigration Freedom Party in Austria has led Europe to threaten a total isolation of that country if that party is allowed into the government.
No voter reaction to the melting pot in Europe will be permitted. As I have said before, this policy applies only to Europe and other white majority countries. No one minds if Japan holds down immigration to a practical zero. Formosa and China and Africa are welcome to remain ethnically and culturally monoracial and monocultural.
But if Austrian voters or Australian voters or American voters react against massive immigration, the whole world must attack it. This is straight, open, and undisguised genocide.
Given his track record, I am sure that McCain and his supporters would label any objection to this policy as racist. If it is, then I am proud to be their idea of a racist.
The time eventually comes when you must either take their labels or be a complete slave and wimp.